Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #90
Date: Sept 15 2022
All minutes published on: Meeting Minutes - Collabora Online
Attendees (write your name):
- Pedro, Szymon, Gabriel, Andras, Michael, Gökay, Nicolas, Gulsah, Kendy, Ezinne, Raul, Skyler, Rashesh, Aron, Andras
Gabriel (1&1)
- Issue: Collabora Online not sending close (it closes by in the response does not send close)
- Our proxy fails. Idea: adding close to the connection header
- Kendy: Please ping Ashod (via email) if necessary
- but not necessary ATM it seems
- Gabriel: took a closer look but still didn’t push
- Still some cases to go over
- How will client react when close http header is sent
- PR: Probably will be sent today
- Michael: Needs to be tested with our http proxy
- ./wsd/ProxyProtocol.hpp, ./wsd/ProxyProtocol.cpp – worth checking.
- Maybe someone else from our side will start to contribute
on the front-end
- add 'Connection: close' header to http responses. by gmasei11 · Pull Request #5225 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- We plan to release mini upgrade today
Release schedule (Gokay)
- CODE new minor release planned for tomorrow
- We were holding new fetures pushes to master
- We can now safely start to push them
Nextcloud bits (Raul)
* Local editing feature is almost done
* Waiting for review
* Pending: File does not get sync when it gets open (probably some work to be done in the desktop side client ?)
* Michael: Maybe we could pass timestamp when we are handing over the url
* Should we allow this in all files (including things like PDF)
* Public NC survey on Collabora Online plus NC integration and other Nextcloudy things → the results will be probably published soon
* Working on dropping an .ini file in top-level Nextcloud sync folders so that the desktop client can interact with locking / desktop / collaborative editing as the user chooses
* Tor working to read / interpret this and tweak the UI to better integrate
* some potential issues getting authentication tokens for LibreOffice – so deferring this ot the next step.
* Julius talking to client team about auth issues.
* Today new richdocuments release for NC 22
* **Pending convert-to tokens:**
* Ticket on Nextcloud:
* Pedro: Dark mode affecting when it shouldn’t
* Currently dark mode is disabled in CO (development happening in feature/dark-mode branch )
* Julius needs to look at this in richdocuments
* needs two fixes: one for the most recent version
* plus one for previous versions.
* Perhaps cut out the dark-mode completely since older richdocuments have problems there.
Forum (Pedro)
- How secure is CODE with NC
- We now have COOL Days CTA with some info
- COOL Days also present in the community website
JSsidebar generated html
- Szymon: Nice, we can then test this with the gridhandler
- Croatian translation went to the max
- “Web view”
GitHub activity (Pedro)
- Gulsah started to work on Calc: Percent format add a 00 to every value inserted.
- Format the cell/Column to percent.
- Add a digit and press Enter
- Result: “00”
Design bits (Pedro and others
- Fixes for annotation buttons waiting for tested to pass
- There were fixes for dialog tabs
- Also Increased discoverability of our tabbed view feature (collpasing/expanding tabs) → added tooltips
- I have been working on how we generate the html for the jsdialogs → jsssidebar
- Push into a dev forum topic
- Szymon: Has played with my CSS idea: JSsidebar generated html
- Szymon: I have tested that out and it looks promissing: less html elements to render and to style
- Still so extra work requireed (some extra containers are still coming from core)
Other ongoing work
Mert → trying to make Async file properties save with password
- Uses some interactuon handling sync , not working at the moment
- Gokay: still pending (partially done afaik)
Kendy: Mert is finishing DeepL bits.
- Kendy: will review core
- Kendy: gerrit got updated with new patches. Will review that and then will get merge
- Got merged! → probably already available in the nightly builds, thanks Nicolas!
- We tested quite a bit. Staging was with languagetool setup
- WRT to online part maybe Szymon: DeepL translation integration by merttumer · Pull Request #5096 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Also added icon and now waiting for core part to be merged
- Already finished. But improvements to go
- WRT mentions Rash is trying to make ongoing mentions work
- Finalizing now
- Next → Discuss /test within richdocuments (NC)
- There is no sparticular switch to turn this now, it just works but maybe we can add that in the future.
- Right now it only works within the document itself (not in the comments yet)
Pranam: Fixed all the issues related to comments
- back to kubernetes
- work on improving sidebar on impress (multiple users)
Szymon: noticed a couple of JSDialogs problems and fixed that
- Sidebar flickery (opening and closing at the document load) is fixed!
- Smaller JSDIALOG fixes: treeview checkbox state; spinner fixes (on chrome based browsers the hover status was activating the wrong button) [Merged]
- Unifying cypress tests for spinner (desktop and mobile)
- Impress tiles fix → text going outside
- Impress Master slide view fixes for multiple users
- Split changes into smaller pieces so it’s safe and it is now ready for review
- Slide view is now fixed
- Assertion to be solved
- Pranam reviewed, Szymon needs to look at it again
- Scrollbars: Improving scrolling behaviour (calc only)
- Scroll depending on the existing content
- Next: possible to scroll cell by cell via arrow buttons
- Improved clear formatting feature
- F2 to edit formula: Currently we don’t see the edits up until we press enter
Continuing working on rendering issues on impress. Missing unit tests and some other multi-user bugs to fix
- Nicolas: is this related: iOS App: Behavior of "empty" slide layout · Issue #3927 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- it only happens on the web view within the app (it doesn’t not affect safari outside of the app)
- Probably due to CORE VCL
- Nicolas: is this related: iOS App: Behavior of "empty" slide layout · Issue #3927 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Exporting as PDF dialog → async
- File picker → we don’t have → need to figure out how to implement that
- I got it rendering propeply
- Now working on the download part
- Now everything is async but with that some additional problems appear
- Exporting as PDF dialog → async
Skyler: Converting now dialogs to JSDialogs.
- Last leaflet dialog killed → merged!
- Now number format dialog converted
- Insert caption on the way as well → then its subdialogs is done
- sub dialog insert caption > auto is awaiting Szymons review on gerrit:
- Szymon: JSDialog is missing feature for this (checkbox cannot be in the treeview for now)
- Szymon: There is another problem with GTK3
- Good to create a github ticket on improving documentation on APIs in editors.
- zstd → hacked this up in a couple of hours: working nicely
- needs a few more tweaks – and can merge it.
- Waiting for master to be open for changes.
- Silly thing re: tiles vs. deltas: recv-tiles 5700, recv-delta 1311 – odd when we have so many people and should have lots of deltas.
- coolstress testing tool:
- needs more work: need a pet WOPI server –
or an internal set of test documetns I think.
- needs more work: need a pet WOPI server –
- zstd → hacked this up in a couple of hours: working nicely
- Sky-diving confirmed for Oct 3rd
COOL Days meetup in Berlin - community team building & partner day (October 3, 4 & 5) - Collabora Office and Collabora Online
- Now we have a schedule!
- Don’t miss out: confirm your attendance by sending an email to
- Gabriel – coming, Thorsten too,
- Pedro been encouraging people to come and getting estimates fo attendees
COOL dev day - 5th
Very short talks: 10 → 15 mins or so … lightning …
On-line option for remote but in-person preferred
User Mentions & Notifications – Rashesh
Tips on debugging COOL → Andras
COOL and 1&1 → Gabriel
zstd compression → Michael
Streaming document deltas → Michael
Getting involved & Overview of COOL community → Pedro
Design, UX thingy still need to find title→ Pedro
JSDialog conversion → Szymon
Nextcloud Office → Raul / Julius
Interop improvements → Gulsah
Sparklines → Quikee
Giant spreadsheets in Online → Lubos
DeepL → Mert
LanguageTool → Mert
Wecloming users → Henry
Calc formula-bar → Szymon
Form controls → Rash
Content Controls → Miklos
Accessibility checker → quikee
Remote Control Configuration →Pranam ?
File Properties → Nick Wingate
Next Meeting