Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #93
Date: Oct 13 2022
All minutes published on: Meeting Minutes - Collabora Online
Attendees (write your name):
- Pedro, Szymon, Andras, Gökay, Gulsah, Michael, Kendy, Julius, Gabriel, Raul, Thorsten, Ezinne
Gabriel (1&1)
- Issue: Collabora Online not sending close (it closes by in the response does not send close)
- Our proxy fails. Idea: adding close to the connection header
- Kendy: Please ping Ashod (via email) if necessary
- but not necessary ATM it seems
- Gabriel: took a closer look but still didn’t push
- Still some cases to go over
- How will client react when close http header is sent
- PR: Probably will be sent today
- Michael: Needs to be tested with our http proxy
- ./wsd/ProxyProtocol.hpp, ./wsd/ProxyProtocol.cpp – worth checking.
- Maybe someone else from our side will start to contribute
on the front-end
add 'Connection: close' header to http responses. by gmasei11 · Pull Request #5225 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Discussed during COOL Days, approved and merged
- Ash: “Let’s get it in and improve the headerOnly as a follow up.”
- We plan to release mini upgrade today
wsd: add lang param to conversion #5359 → waiting for review (Ash) (goal is to enforce that lang param)
- affects date type cells (default locale) → seems awesome.
- AI (Pedro) : update SDK docs to add &lang=fr-FR or whatever.
Adfinis crowdfunding already live: Voice up your LibreOffice — Crowdfunding bei wemakeit
please tell Elisa she did a lot of great work on the crowdfunding, making the video, etc
Let’s share, spread the word All the money goes to fund the good work. The goal needs to be reach or else the money goes back to the people who donated
Release schedule (Andras)
- CODE will be released this week
- Master ready for feature work
Nextcloud bits (Julius)
- Local editing feature is almost done. Additional pointers to make it even better but it is done. Probably wise to wait for the next release (it depends on the newset desktop client version)
- Nextcloud 25 release but also releases of old versions
- Copying was not possible under shared document → fixed and released
- Working on dropping an .ini file in top-level Nextcloud sync folders so that the desktop client can interact with locking / desktop / collaborative editing as the user chooses → waiting for desktop client team (richdocuments PR ready)
- Tor working to read / interpret this and tweak the UI to better integrate
- some potential issues getting authentication tokens for LibreOffice – so deferring this ot the next step.
- Julius talking to client team about auth issues.
- Expose a ini file for edit online in Collabora Office / LibreOffice · Issue #4880 · nextcloud/desktop · GitHub
- Pending convert-to tokens:
- Pedro: Dark mode affecting when it shouldn’t
- Currently dark mode is disabled in CO (development happening in feature/dark-mode branch )
richdocuments/coolParameters.js at 2c61f2eadd51653c778d866b1740aac43ae9c9ac · nextcloud/richdocuments · GitHub
- Julius needs to look at this in richdocuments
- needs two fixes: one for the most recent version
- plus one for previous versions.
- Perhaps cut out the dark-mode completely since older richdocuments have problems there.
- Julius needs to look at this in richdocuments
- Upgrade broken (fonts?) : Ubuntu upgrade to 22.05.6-3 is broken · Issue #5353 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Julius AI: report issue on GitHub Collabora Online
- Failed to load /opt/collaboraoffice/program/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- FTL Failed to load /opt/collaboraoffice/program/
- coolwsd fails to start on latest snapshot repository (Ubuntu 22.04) · Issue #5361 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
Forum (Pedro)
- Easy setup script for Nextcloud HPB, Signaling & Collabora Office Contributor’s script
JSsidebar generated html
- Szymon: Nice, we can then test this with the gridhandler
- jsdialog: simplify structure by eszkadev · Pull Request #5256 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub → Pedro needs to review it
- Szymon: I have seen Andreas has update the structure on the core, need to check. Less containers but we are also moving to use grid in the core side → already on master, passed against distro CO (needs to be merged)
- Another question about logging → we need to create more topics on debugging/logigng
- AI: create missing topics
GitHub activity (Pedro)
- Gulsah started to work on Calc: Percent format add a 00 to every value inserted.
- Merged
- Mobile resolve comment not working → fixed and merged
- Double clicking on a cell doesn’t switch to edit mode → already looked at it, it seems on purposed (part of 7e056939d9a7ff94f61bd1008ec3cdac5cecc0d5 (gerrit core )
- Next: Starting to work on some wonky hamburger menu bug (mobile)
- Hacktoberfest review OPRs
- Improvements for contrast on disabled items
- Fix missing icons
- Important fix for tabbed view (tabs now scrolalble)
Design bits (Pedro and others
- Tunnelld windows impossible to use in small factor tablets Android: Dialog Boxes Have No Scroll Bars · Issue #5316 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
Other ongoing work
- Mert → trying to make Async file properties save with password
- Uses some interactuon handling sync , not working at the moment
- Gokay: still pending (partially done afaik)
- Szymon: I have tested that
but not stable, will look into that(needed correct config) - → merged
- WRT mentions Rash is trying to make ongoing mentions work
- Finalizing now:
- A problem with component but not really related with mentions PR
- Next → Discuss /test within richdocuments (NC), WIP
- There is no sparticular switch to turn this now, it just works but maybe we can add that in the future.
- Right now it only works within the document itself (not in the comments yet)
- Merged → AI (Julius/Raul) to check/test it
- mention: send a postMessage to integrator when username is selected i… by Rash419 · Pull Request #5334 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Also for calc and impress: mention: enable in impress and calc by Rash419 · Pull Request #5317 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Finalizing now:
- Pranam: Fixed all the issues related to comments
- back to kubernetes
- work on improving sidebar on impress (multiple users)
- Szymon: noticed a couple of JSDialogs problems and fixed that
- Impress tiles fix → MasterPage → Still in the review (Gokay)
- Rendering problems on Calc: F2 to edit formula: Currently we don’t see the edits up until we press enter
- First part merged now (some invalidations missing)
- Scrollbars: Improving scrolling behaviour (calc only)
- Scroll depending on the existing content
- Next: possible to scroll cell by cell via arrow buttons
- , Now it scroll only the data
- Nick
- Exporting as PDF dialog → async
- Fixed saving issue (missing compile flag)
- Needs to save in the right location
- Talked with Mert → probably better way to do the async part → implemented
- File picker → we don’t have → need to figure out how to implement that
- I got it rendering propeply
- Now working on the download part
- Now everything is async but with that some additional problems appear
- A lot of progrees, almost done: Expose PDF export online by NickWingate · Pull Request #5288 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Ongoing → epub export options
- Exporting as PDF dialog → async
- zstd → working on Android now – but iOS is not done …
- more risky stuff: online master is ok to merge new features into … release CODE this week from a branch (Andras)
- Deltas working nicely – but getting lots of full-screen invalidations for no good reason – which causes waste. With lots of users in some cases -like this call.
- Sky-diving was fun,
- Had a great time, lots of good talks …
- Looking forward to next year …
- Videos will be published on ourYT channel
- There was still post production to be done
Next Meeting