We created an easy setup script for Debian 11 (Bullseye) which can install Nextcloud High performance backend, Signaling & Collabora Office (with MS fonts) in only 5 minutes. It also creates a Let’s Encrypt certificate via Certbot and handles multi domain support for different Nextcloud installations for Talk and Collabora Office.
The GitHub page: https://github.com/sunweaver/nextcloud-high-performance-backend-setup
The German Wiki for the Script (not complete yet): https://github.com/sunweaver/nextcloud-high-performance-backend-setup/wiki/02-Setup-Script
Have fun
Wow, awesome , thanks @mircokam !
New Version → Easy setup script for Nextcloud HPB, Signaling & Collabora Office
We have a new version from the Setup Script with many bugfixes an now email support for smarthosts.
We created an easy setup script for Debian 11 (Bullseye) which can install Nextcloud High performance backend, Signaling & Collabora Office (with MS fonts) in only 5 minutes.
See the Wiki page:
Have fun
1 Like
Hello thanks,
i want to integrate the professional version from collabora in this script but i can’t find any information or howtos! It would be great if you can give me some install howtos for the professional version.
Is there any key or any activating site or specail Debian Deb files?
Regars Mirco