Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #96
Date: Nov 10 2022
All minutes published on: Meeting Minutes - Collabora Online
Attendees (write your name):
- Julius, Raul, Pedro, Szymon,Gökay, Gülşah, Nicolas, Kendy, Andras, Andreas K.
Gabriel (1&1)
wsd: add lang param to conversion #5359 → waiting for review (Ash) (goal is to enforce that lang param)
- affects date type cells (default locale) → seems awesome.
- AI (Pedro) : update SDK docs to add &lang=fr-FR or whatever.
Adfinis crowdfunding already live: Voice up your LibreOffice — Crowdfunding bei wemakeit
please tell Elisa she did a lot of great work on the crowdfunding, making the video, etc
Let’s share, spread the word All the money goes to fund the good work. The goal needs to be reach or else the money goes back to the people who donated
Release schedule (Gokay)
- CODE 22.05 → this week
- Next release week 50 so, master branch is ready for new feature work
Nextcloud bits (Julius)
Working on dropping an .ini file in top-level Nextcloud sync folders so that the desktop client can interact with locking / desktop / collaborative editing as the user chooses → waiting for desktop client team (richdocuments PR ready)
- planing call next week
- Tor working to read / interpret this and tweak the UI to better integrate
- some potential issues getting authentication tokens for LibreOffice – so deferring this ot the next step. (ping the user on the local side that there is a possibility to keep editing the same document collaboratively )
- Julius talking to client team about auth issues.
- Expose a ini file for edit online in Collabora Office / LibreOffice · Issue #4880 · nextcloud/desktop · GitHub
Edit local icon on the compact view might be misplaced
- Should probably be in save/print group instead of redo/undo
- Pull request merged Adjust local editing button position in tabbed view
User mentions pull request is in progress Implement user mentions API by Raudius · Pull Request #2576 · nextcloud/richdocuments · GitHub
- Still needs some fixes regarding public shares when fetching the user list
Forum (Pedro)
- Interesting use case from US Dog Club → AI (Pedro): Have a closer look and maybe get some user testing in other areas
- Interesting reports on remote configuration → requested some more info
- Getting error message when trying to print a document → it seems the error message is actually the fail to safe message → requested more info and debug copy paste
JSsidebar generated html → Hi Andreas K. Thanks for all the good effort, you rock!
- Szymon: Nice, we can then test this with the gridhandler wha
- jsdialog: simplify structure by eszkadev · Pull Request #5256 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub → Pedro needs to review it
- Szymon: I have seen Andreas has update the structure on the core, need to check. Less containers but we are also moving to use grid in the core side → already on master, passed against distro CO (needs to be merged) AI: needs to be re-tested (grid inside of a grid)
- Pedro: Reviewed both gerrit changes → requested additional adjustments (on inner grids)
- AI: Andreas K: to test if changes in the UI files can be applied to pre packaged core and if it affects online
- Copy pasting disabled → got fixed
Dark mode
- Andreas K.: Is dark mode in master branch?
- Pedro: No, we now have feature branch where anyone can contribute and it’s never frozen branch: feature/dark-mode
- Andreas K.: What about document page, will we have dark page and bright text?
- Szymon: “mode” We already have implemented framework, a way to render the tiles 2 times
- Andreas K. we also already have something like that in core see GH 4382#issuecomment-1066213894
- Light to dark mode switch already in
- Andreas K. I will look more into how to change the background colour (canvas tiles are transparent outside the document page)
GitHub activity (Pedro)
- Gulsah
- Gokay: Yup I saw. And Gulsah is working on that. New idea by cheking the first 4 byte is equeal to “%PDF”. Seems a good idea. But we still need to sync with Kendy and re-check PDF specification → Better use Kendy;s code pointers: viewcomment attribute that comes from /hosting/discovery endpoint
- Chart size PPTX → Impress. Now working on this following Quikee code pointer → When we have auto layout somehow position and size is decided for the plot area → needs to find where this is happening.
- Copy paste issue in calc (selecting row) working this → Michael’s comment : it’s taking too much time probably there is something else going on there as well.
- Read-only mode → now it is more visisble when we are in read-only mode
- Ongoing study on tabbed view → is to improve button placement to emphasize some actions over other
- Missing icon line spacing → fixed merged
User wants to have log out button on the admin console
- Easy hack WIP PR open to anyone : Add logout button to admin console by pedropintosilva · Pull Request #5416 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Accessibility Check now is also available within the Help tab
- Removed Macros related and unnecessary CSS rules
- It might be worth to check every disabled item → set respective mouse cursor
Design bits (Pedro and others
- Tunnelled windows impossible to use in small factor tablets ( ended up postponing this) Android: Dialog Boxes Have No Scroll Bars · Issue #5316 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub → Maybe will create an easy hack (dialogs should have scroll bar)
- Idea: on adding a way to hide all or almost all UI (via new icon) in Impress. To allow for presenting without going fullscreen
- We also have old issue requesting a way to hide the slide sidebar
Other ongoing work
- Uses some interaction handling sync, not working at the moment
- Gokay: still pending (partially done afaik)
- WRT mentions Rash is trying to make ongoing mentions work
- Finalizing now: writer: introducing new mention feature by Rash419 · Pull Request #5093 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- A problem with component but not really related with mentions PR
- Raul: still working on the public share issue (nextcloud side). What about notifying the users? Probably not a high prio thing but worth chasing
- Kendy: Ok, please report and we will look into that. But we also need to look further on how all that works on Calc and Impress
- Next → Discuss /test within richdocuments (NC), WIP
- Merged → AI (Julius/Raul) to check/test it
- mention: send a postMessage to integrator when username is selected i… by Rash419 · Pull Request #5334 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Also for calc and impress: mention: enable in impress and calc by Rash419 · Pull Request #5317 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Finalizing now: writer: introducing new mention feature by Rash419 · Pull Request #5093 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Szymon:
- Impress tiles fix → MasterPage → Still in the review (Gokay) [merged]
- Follow-up for the slide previews
- Impress tiles fix → MasterPage → Still in the review (Gokay) [merged]
- Nick
- Exporting as PDF dialog → async
- Fixed saving issue (missing compile flag)
- Needs to save in the right location
- Talked with Mert → probably better way to do the async part → implemented
- File picker → we don’t have → need to figure out how to implement that
- I got it rendering propeply
- Now working on the download part
- Now everything is async but with that some additional problems appear
- A lot of progrees, almost done: Expose PDF export online by NickWingate · Pull Request #5288 · CollaboraOnline/online · GitHub
- Ongoing → epub export options, already async. Problem with everything getting deconstructed before we get the file out → following Szymon’s code pointers
- Exporting as PDF dialog → async
- zstd → merged should be there on the server side …
- Calc fixes for our finance team → insert/delete cells & associated dialogs → JS dialogs.
- Still need to chase writer full-screen invalidations …
- Probably tomorrow videos will be available on Youtube CollaboraOffice channel
- AI: Notify people (email etc)
- Videos already being uploaded (some already available)
- Community pages were updated with COOL Days CTA → YT
- Also has a new Community menu!
- Hacktoberfest → 4 PR got in → today shared in SM one of them
Next Meeting