Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #45
Date: Oct 21, 2021
Next meeting: Oct 28, 2021
All minutes published on:
Attendees (write your name):
- Pedro, Michael Alex, Andras, Pranam, Gabriel, Kendy
Community update (Pedro)
- New possible contributor from India
- Hugo is already in his 5th contribution
- do we need more easy hacks ? (Michael)
- already finding fun things to do (Pedro)
- do we need more easy hacks ? (Michael)
- Update on LO conference : Collaborans’ slides and videos already available (blog post)
- Update on COOL Days: pasted the playlist where it will be available
Sidebar pull request (Gabriel)
- Issues started from this change
- Szymon: probably because there were new changes from core. In core should always be open and then in online we control if it want open or close. I have to look, but it seems to be quite easy to fix it from core.: Th issues seesm to start from this change notebookbar: reinitialize only once · CollaboraOnline/online@77821e4 · GitHub
- Should be ported to cp-6.4 ? (Gabriel)
- fixed with the new sidebar, port one commit from co-2021 to cp-6.4
- bit nervous about sidebar open all the time (Michael)
- a change to command we use for switching between toolbar & notebookbar mode (Szymon)
- not an issue.
- a change to command we use for switching between toolbar & notebookbar mode (Szymon)
Test-fest (Michael)
- Alpha 1 has come out – but not announced ~anywhere ?
- Pedro to drive getting this announced → own that.
- Include a date / time – for people to help test it.
- Can it be next week ? (Pedro)
- Yes if it gets feedback fast (Michael)
- can test Beta1 released on Thur.
- Yes if it gets feedback fast (Michael)
- Perhaps can test on the weekend (Pedro)
- a hacktober-fest thing there … help them to test.
- File bugs in github.
- Publish our (blank) SmokeTest matrix to get it filled out:
- Ezeinne working on that; good to have more hands.
- Need to be able to hand out accounts → on …
- Another public test machine without ASAN lagginess ? (Andras)
- Perhaps better to switch it away from ASAN for a bit (Kendy)
Forum (Pedro)
- Updated new topic for hacktoberfest also updated the newcomers message
Integration both with Owncloud and Nextcloud not working
- concerns about things not working.
LibreOffice branch distro/collabora/co-2021 build fail on aarch64
- building for Android – would be nice to have more handsl to help there.
Design bits (Pedro)
Regression in 2021
- regarding the page – hard shadows & strong outline / border
- already merged – thanks to Szymon
Redesigning Welcome dialog (Pedro)
- in the Beta should be more helpful & with less text; 2-3 slide-able content pieces
- release notes, get involved etc.
Help → About – LibreOffice Technology (Pedro)
- now our about dialog will get an additional image – LibreOffice Technology logo (logo done by Elisa, thanks
- and a simple link to more information & credits – hopefully up soonish.
- We have a new credits page here: lo-technology - Collabora Office and Collabora Online
- Also there were improvements for the extra buttons that are inserted via
postmessage api (they were being wrongly positioned, sized and re-tinted) [Pranam reviewing]
- now our about dialog will get an additional image – LibreOffice Technology logo (logo done by Elisa, thanks
Schedule & update (Kendy)
- Cleanup of dependencies – getting rid of IE11 stuff
- Also sanitizing URLs – not to have loleaflet in them → cool URLs.
- will affect haproxy / reverse proxies setup; has to be documented.
- We have to be backwards compatible (Michael)
- if accessed from a legacy URL can remember that ?
- How to do that via discovery … (Kendy)
- serve the old URLs still – in hosting/discovery ?
- Add a loolwsd.xml setting defaulting if not present to true to use new URLs (Michael)
- been reading NGINX (Pranam)
- seems we can use custom conditions to load balance.
- CO 2021 Beta1 next week
- concerned wrt. performance of this server (Michael)
- it is running sanitizers (Andras)
- Android builds – done …
- now deployed to up to 50% of the users,
- one report of data-loss, zero-byte file; Kendy’s team investigating
- Mert created a blind fix (Szymon)
- we never write zero byte files back.
- Already merged
- minor regression – nothing is saved (Aron)
- this needs fixing first.
- So can re-spin the release (Andras)
- Mert created a blind fix (Szymon)
- Szymon:
- fixing some formula bugs in calc after using pivot tables
- selecting ranges for formulas & pivot tables.
- Henry: Update notification still ongoing
- Ash: copy-paste fix is done: a JS exception
- Mike on formula editing …
Misc 1&1 bits (Gabriel)
- just tested Szymon’s sidebar fix – create a gerrit pull request ?
- Sounds like a good plan (Szymon)
- Do we have a patch for URL access_token hiding ?
- Ash is working on it (Michael)
- annoying that we create DocumentBroker when websocket connects.
- Would like to review.
- Ash is working on it (Michael)
- Currently a bit on hold (Alexandru)
- still working on other things.
- Will work on upgrade after that.
Notebookbar as default ? (Aron)
- in the new version ?
- Yes it should be the default (Pedro)
- many integrators set to classic mode as default – so shouldn’t forget that.
- Can stick to classic if the key is not present (Michael)
- will patch it (Aron)
Pull Requests in Need of Attention (Pedro)
- one open from Hugo, and a new contributor from India in a JS issue – Pedro helping out.
Next Meeting
Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 10:00 am (UTC)