Community Weekly Meeting #145

Collabora Online Weekly Meeting #145

Date: Nov 23rd 2023

All minutes published on: Topics tagged meeting-minutes

Please update your section

Attendees (write your name):

  1. Anna, Ezinne, Caolán, Andras, Cosmin, Timur, Attila, Gulsah, Gokay, Darshan, Bayram, Hub, Aron, Mike D, Skyler, Michael, Vivek, Nicolas, Cosmin, Szymon

Making the call shorter

  • Please update your section relating in the document before we read through it.
  • Then only go over anything we need to share / get input on

Release Schedule

  1. CODE Released on last Monday.
  2. Next CODE Release expected Week 47!
  3. Mobile releases
  4. iOS 23.05.6 Week 48 (?)
  5. Android 23.05.6 Week 48 (?)
  6. need to fix insert → comments on Mobile.
  7. iOS
  8. quick smoke-testing of new build looks good (Nicolas)


  • Sidebar concerns:
    • lots of negative feedback here still.
    • Darshan fixed this for three cases – but we have 2x cases more where the Nextcloud sidebar shows up by default; particularly for internal shared link.
    • There is an explicit open-sidebar call after we close; it gets closed, and re-opened for internal links – hunting this down (Darshan)
      • gave a stack-trace to Julius, and trying to work out why it doesn’t close. [done]
    • Preferred – generally disable it – design team decided against it.
      • In all places where the viewer opens; we have the sharing sidebar showing up.
      • Need a way in richdocuments to prevent that.
      • Other apps installed that could influence timing of calls.
        • Pedro will get a list of apps installed to help reproduce it locally. [done]
    • Found the lingering problem: fix: Avoid triggering a defered sidebar open if openFile is already handling that #41636 : [stable27] fix: Avoid triggering a defered sidebar open if openFile is already handling that by juliushaertl · Pull Request #41636 · nextcloud/server · GitHub
      • It’s against Nextcloud 27, richdocuments 8.2.3
      • Not merged yet, but already approved
  • Open in new tab by default (?)
    • UX testing feedback tells us that files in new tabs is a serious issue
    • AI: share feedback with Julius (Pedro)
    • Google opens in a new tab by default (Nicolas)
    • A website that is an application: a “file explorer” (Pedro)
      • user expects, the file opens – something new happens.
    • May be needed inside the Nextcloud server – not in richdocuments (Julius)
  • Probably follow up release with still pending fixes next week
  • WASM
  • Calc Performance: cells with lengthily text
    • Improvement was merged
  • First beta of richdocuments for upcoming Nextcloud 28 was released, nothing fancy just compatibility changes to adapt to upstream refactoring of our files app


  • Checked the LanguageTool integration (in desktop) and filled some remaining issues
  • Has some impact on spell/grammar checker in online too
    • reported the findings; lets see what happens.
    • Will poke Miklos (Michael)

Online activity

Forum (Mike D)

3 Forum posts + 1 Reddit this week.

Key topics:

9 → 9 - zero replies in user support:

User Support - Collabora Online

37 → 37 - zero replies in installation and config:

Installation & Configuration - Collabora Online

Next events

Next meeting
